Friday, May 23, 2014


Oh Hey, Oh Hi!
Up to the Ceiling

Franklin is Messy (Paulette Bourgeois) 4-6
"Why all the fuss about a little mess?" Franklin wonders.  Our green friend learns a hard lesson about not putting things away, and comes away with some pleasant surprises, too!
Finger Play:  Here's a Little Turtle
Felt Board Game: Garbage Truck

Hurry Up and Slow Down (Layn Marlow) 3-5
Just when you think you know all there is to know about speedy hare and pokey turtle, this tale turns things on end when friends share a favorite story...Enjoy soft and detailed watercolor illustrations throughout this book full of natural beauty.
Song:  Dandelion
Finger Play:  Here's a Cup
Song: Walking, Walking

Turtle Splash (Cathryn Falwell) 2-4
Rhyming text and vibrant colors help young children enjoy their numbers while also introducing them to familiar pond life.  One, two, three, four...You'll want to read a little more!
Felt Board Guessing Game:  Who's in the Woods?

Other Books:

Scoot (Cathryn Falwell)
Franklin Books (Bourgeois)
Let's Explore Sea Turtles (O'Neil)
Turtle Moon (Hoffman)
Old Turtle (Douglas Wood)
The Hare and the Tortoise (Aesop)