Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Mining For Treasure

Oh Hey, Oh Hi!

Agate (Joy Morgan Dey) 3-5
I just found this gem of a book and now it's one of my favorites!  Young and older readers, alike, will respond to the message that although it may SEEM like others may be better than you, often our unique treasures are on the INSIDE.  Agate finds his way through this amazing watercolor story that teaches us (on the sly) about many precious stones and about how precious we are as individuals.

Song:  Jenny (Mines) with One Hammer

A Rock Is Lively (Aston and Long) 2-6
Another of my favorite books (favorite series, in fact, including amazing works like An Egg Is Quiet, A Seed Is Sleepy, and A Butterfly is Patient),  A Rock is Lively is a beautiful tour of the rock and mineral world, both enthralling us with it's simple beauty while teaching us a great deal about the natural science of rock hunting!  This is a marvelous introduction to young readers that fancy themselves rock collectors.

Prop:  Rock Collection
Felt Board:  Gem Shapes
Take Home: Agate coloring page

Our buried Treasure Bottles will start off with the treasures we find in our home made geodes!

More Books!
Rocks, Gems, and Minerals
Groovy Gems
The Shape Jewel Hunt
The Best Book of Fossils, Rocks, and Minerals
Stone Soup (Muth)
The Little Dump Truck (Cuyler)
Rock and Gem (Bonewitz)
Rocks and Minerals (Parker)
Rocks: Hard, Soft, Smooth, and Rough (Rosinsky)
Rocks, Rocks, Rocks (Wallace)
Rocks: Creating Fun and Fascinating Collections (Kompelien)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wiggling w/ Bookworms


Oh Hey, Oh Hi!

And Then It's Spring (Fogliano) 3-5
A delightfully familiar story of waiting for spring to...spring!  The author does a wonderful job of revisiting the long weeks of late winter.  Our summer reading wiggly worms make an appearance in this book.

Garden Wigglers (Nancy Loewen) 4-6
Super-packed with great information about worms, this vividly colored book entices us to become wormologists!

Felt Board:  Five Little Chickens

Activity:  Build a Library Worm Farm!
Snack Activity:  Dirt Pudding
Worm Handouts: Fun in the Mud
Hands-On:  Worm Sort

Other Books:
Wiggling Worms At Work (Pfeffer)
Wonderful Worms (Glaser)
Yucky Worms (French)
Compost Stew (McKenna Siddals)
An Earthworm's Life (Himmelman)

A great resource for building a worm farm with pre-k's
And another YouTube version
a wiggle worm skill game

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dig Into a Good Book This Summer!

Summer Reading, 2013, is just around the corner...
DIG INTO A GOOD BOOK at the Naples Library!
Don't miss our special Summer Reading Pre-K Story Times:

Fridays, 10:30-11:15
Naples Library
Register at the Front Desk

June 21st:  Wiggling w/ Bookworms

June 28th: Mining for Treasure

July 5th: I Dig Big Machines!

July 12th: BIG Dino Dig

July 19th:  Burrow Into a Good Book

July 26:  Dig In!  Yummy Things We Love

Storytime includes stories, songs, games, a craft, and take-home extras!  Bring your friends for some summer fun!