Openers, Closers, and Stretches

The More We Get Together
The more we get together
Together, together,
The more we get together,
The happier we'll be.

Because your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends,
The more we get together,
The happier we'll be.
w/ sign language from Skokie Public Library

Oh Hey, Oh Hi
(raise arms high, wave hands side to side)
Oh hey, Oh HI!
Oh hey, oh hi, HELLO!
Oh hey--oh hey, oh hi hello....

And when I say hello I like to linger
By saying HELLO with my fingers (wiggle fingers while waving hands)

Oh Hey, Oh HI!
Oh hey, oh hi, HELLO!
Oh hey--oh hey, oh hi, hello...

And when I say hello I keep the beat
By saying HELLO with my feet (tap feet while wiggling fingers and waving hands)

Oh hey, oh HI!
Oh hey, oh hi, HELLO!
Oh hey, oh hey, oh hi, hello...

And when I'm the the library
I say HELLO quietly (put forefinger to lips in "shhhh" motion)

(whisper the following while quietly tapping feet, wiggling fingers, waving hands)
Oh hey, oh HI!
Oh hey, oh hi, HELLO!
Oh hey, oh hey, oh hi, hello....

Welcome Song: Clap and Sing Hello!
We clap and sing hello.
We clap and sing hello.
With our friends at storytime,
We clap and sing hello.
(We wave and sing hello; we stomp and sing hello)
Credit: Storytime Songs
Opening Song: If You’re Ready…
If you’re ready for a story, take a seat
If you’re ready for a story, take a seat
Clap your hands and stomp your feet
Make your hands all nice and neat
If you’re ready for a story, take a seat
Credit: SJPL Hello & Goodbye Songs

Greetings around the WorldHello, hello everybody
Hello, hello everybody
Hello, hello everybody
So very glad to see you
Japanese version: Konichiwa
Chinese version: Ni Hao Ma

Up to the Ceiling 
Up to the ceiling, (stretch both arms overhead)
Down to the floor. (bend at waist and touch floor)
Right to the 'whatever is right of your group in the room' (stretch arm to right)
Left to the door. (stretch arm to left)
Right hand, left hand,
Turn them around. (spin hands around each other, 'wheels on the bus style')
Left hand, right hand,
Pound, pound, pound. (pound one fist on the other)

PBJ Stretch
-Sit on floor with both legs stretched out straight in front of you.
-Explain that you're going to make a silly sandwich and that your legs are the bottom slice of bread.
-Invite children to make up things to put in the sandwich (anything goes!) and pretend to spread/dice/layer/sprinkle/etc.  it on the bread, stretching down to your toes each time to place the new item on the sandwich.  (Food items and non food items are fine.  We've had screwdrivers, chocolate chips, whipped cream, strawberries, and hair brushes, for instance!)
-When each child has had a chance to add their idea to the sandwich, place the top piece of bread over the bottom (your arms stretched out to touch your toes).
-Take one arm and 'cut' the sandwhich, spreading your legs out to each side.
-Eat the sandwich by stretching down to take a 'bite' out of one knee followed by the other.
-Play it up!  Tell the kids how delicious their sandwich is!

Snowflake Stretch
I'm a snowflake (point to self)
In the sky (point to sky)
Floating low (with outspread arms, crouch low)
And flying high! (reach up with arms and stand up on tip-toes)

Whirling and twirling all around (pretend you're a snowflake on the wind...arms outstretched and floating in all directions)
I think I'll take the sky slide...
...To the ground! (pretend to slide your 'snowflake' body to the ground in a snow-heap)


Wave Goodbye (Rob Reid)
Wave high, wave low, 
I think it’s time, we gotta go. 
Wave your elbows, wave your toes, 
Wave your tongue and wave your nose. 
Wave your knees, wave your lips, 
Blow a kiss with fingertips. 
Wave your ears, wave your hair, 
Wave your belly and derriere. 
Wave your chin, wave your eye, 
Wave your hand and say “goodbye.