Friday, April 4, 2014

April Fools!

Oh Hey, Oh Hi!

Fox Tails (Amy Lowry) 4-6
Amy Lowry recreates classic tales from Aesop about the famous trickster, Fox.  Four separate fables flow together to culminate in the final trick being on!
Finger Play:  Quiet Little Mouse

April Foolishness (Teresa Bateman) 3-5
Grandpa cooly makes breakfast while the grandkids try their very best to fool him about the farm animals.  He's just too tough to trick, though, until Grandma gets involved.
Trick:  Baby in the Envelope

Who ate All the Cookie Dough? (Karen Beaumont) 2-4
Momma kangaroo just can't figure out where all of the cookie dough went.  Rhyme your way through this search for the trickster.  Just where could he be hiding?
Magnet Board: 10 Cookies

Closer:  Wave Goodbye (Rob Reid)