Thursday, September 12, 2013

Beautiful Butterflies

Oh Hey, Oh Hi!
Story Time Stretch Cube

The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Carle) 1-4
Whether this is your first reading of the classic Carle story or your 100th, this caterpillar is sure to please as he counts and eats his way through a week until...SURPRISE..something very special happens!

Felt Activity: The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Waiting for Wings (Lois Ehlert) 2-4
With pages as full and vibrant as the butterflies they are about, Ehlert takes young readers through perhaps their first exploration of the life cycle of a butterfly--in a memorable way!
Finger Play:  A Caterpillar Crawled
Song: Bumpin' Up and Down (In my little cute crysalis)

Don't Worry ( Bear Foley ) 2-4
We all know what caterpillar goes through as he waits to become a butterfly, but how does his friend, Bear, wait?  A touching story with a cheerful ending!

Felt Board Story: B is for Butterfly
Closer: Wave Goodbye

More Books!

The caterpillar and the Polliwog (Jack Kent)
Waiting for Wings (Ehlert)
In the Tall, Tall Grass (Fleming)
The Hungry Caterpillar (Carle)
Caterpillar's Wish (Murphy)
The Butterfly Garden (Minarik)
Clara Caterpillar (Edwards)
Butterfly Butterfly (Horacek)
Arabella Miller's Tiny Caterpillar (Jarrett)
Butterfly Suits/Little Einsteins ((Kelman)
Bob and Otto (Bruel)