Friday, November 9, 2012

Boats Afloat

Opener:  Oh Hey, Oh Hi!
Stretch: Up to the Ceiling

The Boy at the Beach (Daly) 3-5
A young boy and his family visit the beach and when the waves get too big, Joe finds a safer adventure in an old abandoned boat.

Song:  Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Tongue Twister:  Sally Sells Seashells

I'm Mighty (McMullan) 2-5
This little tug boat handles some big jobs.  Get familiar with what sort of items you may find on a tug while catching his wonderful CAN-DO attitiude!

FingerPlay:  Here is the Sea
Explorations:  Sink or Float?
Boats Boats Boats!(Cleland) 1-3
A colorful photo exploration of different kinds of boats.

Felt Board: Who Sank the Boat?