Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Apple Time!

Oh Hey Oh Hi
PJB Stretch
Apples Color Activity
Apples, Apples, Apples (Wallace) 3-5

With crisp, colorful paper cutouts, Wallace has created a delightful book about apples--their natural history, uses, and the fun of going to pick them!

Finger Play: Apples in a Tree
Felt Board:  5 Green Apples

Craft:  Apple Prints from the back of the book!
Snack:  Apple Cider and donuts

Take Home:  Apple Coloring Page

More Books:
The Apple Tree (Dodd, Lynley)
The Apple Pie Tree (Hall, Zoe)
Ten Red Apples (Hutchins, Pat)
I am an Apple (Marzollo, Jean)
Apples and Pumpkins (Rockwell, Anne F.)
Apple Farmer Annie (Wellington, Monica)
Up, Up, It's Apple Picking Time (Shapiro, Jody F.)