Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hide and Seek

The More We Get Together
Up to the Ceiling

Knuffle Bunny (Mo Willems) 3-5
Anybody with a dear and favorite stuffed animal will can't leave them behind!  Find out what happens :).

Wiggler:  Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

Who ate all the Cookie Dough? (Karen Beaumont) 2-4
Enjoy another delightful tale from Karen Beaumont.  Solve the mystery of the missing cookie dough by asking some friends...I'll bet something like this has happened at YOUR

Song: Where is Thumbkin
Magnet Board: Five Sweet Cookies

Hide and Snake (Keith Baker) 2-4
Test your 'finding' skills as you look for Snake in these colorfully painted illustrations.  A catchy poem moves the story along.

Song:  All the Snakes are Slithering
Wiggler:  This is the Way the Ladies Ride

Felt Board:  Fruit Guessing Game

Closer:  Wave Goobye