Friday, November 22, 2013

Thankful for Home and Friends

Oh Hey, Oh Hi!
Thanksgiving Pie Stretch (PBJ stretch, but pie)

One of Each (Hoberman) 3-5
Oliver Toliver is quite content with his one-of-each lifestyle until he realizes that there's no room for a friend!  Metered, rhyming verse carries us along through this tale of friendship and growth.
FP:  Apple Share
Game:  Let's Find a Friend

The House in the Meadow (Crum) 3-5
Follow the stages and workers involved in building a house in this count down book about a young family.  Bright, paper-cut illustrations are inviting to all ages.  Perfect for our little town of Naples where so many people build their own homes!
Song: Love Grows
Wiggler:  Jenny Works with One Hammer
OR (if enough older children are present)
Wiggler: Little Cabin in the Woods

 Home for a Tiger, Home for a Bear (Williams) 2-4
Travel around the world exploring the homes and habitats of many animals.  Can you find the spider threading his way through each page?

Prop:  I Knew an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie
FB:  Mr. Turkey's Feathers

Closer:  Wave Goodbye Poem
Toddler Read Alouds
Ariel and Emily by Adele Greenspun
Bears On Chairs by Shirley Parenteau***
Elmer's New Friend by David McKee
Fran's Friend by Lisa Bruce
Hi, Harry by Martin Waddell
Maggie's Ball by Lindsay Barrett George
Mine by Kevin Luthhardt
My Friend Lucky by David Milgrim
New At the Zoo by Frank Edwards
Noni the Pony by Alison Lester
Pudgy, A Puppy to Love by Pippa Goodhart
Stick by Andy Pritchett***
Ten Friends by Bruce Goldstone
Thank You Bear by Greg Foley***
What About Me? by Helen Stepens
Who's At the Door? (Dutton Children's Books)

Preschool Read Alouds
Adventure With Olivia Owl by Maurice Pledger
Anthony and the Girls by Ole Konnecke
Best Mouse Cookie by Laura Numeroff
Cat & Mouse: A Delicious Tale by Jiwan Oh
Chicken, Pig, Cow and the Purple Problem by Ruth Ohi
Cloud Boy by Rhode Montijo
Come Along, Kitten by Joanne Ryder
Fluffy and Baron by Laura Rankin
Fox Makes Friends by Adam Relf**
Friends by Rob Lewis
Friends by Kim Lewis
Gary and Ray by Sarah Adams
Grumpy Bird by Jeremy Tankard ** 
Happy Dog by Lisa Grubb
Help! by Holly Keller
Henry and Amy by Stephen Michael King
Me and You by Genevieve Cote
Princess Aasta by Stina Ordal
Squish Rabbit by Katherine Battersby
The Surprise by Sylvia van Ommen
Together by Jane Simmons
What About Bear?  by Suzanne Bloom
What A Treasure by Will Hillenbrand

School Age Read Aloud
Audrey and Barbara by Janet Lawson
Bad Apple: A Tale of Friendship by Edward Hemingway
Being Friends by Karen Beaumont
Best Friends by Charlotte Labaronne
Don't Need Friends by Carolyn Crimi
Grumpy Cat by Britta Teckentrup
Half the World Away by Libby Gleeson
Hole in the Middle by Paul Budnitz
I Know A Rhino by Charles Fuge
Jessica by Kevin Henkes (an invisible friend)
Little Sweet Potato by Amy Beth Bloom
Lonely Moose by John Segal
Once There Was A Hoodie by Sam McBratney
Pearl Bailey and Charlie Parsley by Aaron Blabey
Scaredy Squirrel Makes A Friend by Melanie Watt
Secret by Lindsay Barrett George
Swim! Swim! by Lerch
That's What Friends Are For by Florence Parry Heide
Together by George Ella Lyon
Two Cool Coyotes by Jillian Lund
Two Girls Can by Keiko Narahashi
A Visitor for Bear by Bonny Becker
Yuck, A Love Story by Don Gillmor

Being Friends by Karen Beaumont

Friday, November 15, 2013

Under the Sea

Oh Hey, Oh Hi!
PBJ Stretch

A House for Hermit Crab (Eric Carle) 3-6
Hermit Crab navigates transitions (from new shell to new shell), one after the other, and finds that he grows in confidence as he goes...a very relevant book for youngsters going through, school, you name it.  The calendar format is also a nice introduction to the idea of months and their names.
Finger Play:  Ocean version of "Five Little Monkeys"

The Biggest Thing in the Ocean (Kevin Sherry) 2-4
Giant squid discovers that he is the BIGGEST thing in the ocean and goes about comparing himself in size to many sea creatures until he meets with an unexpected surprise...  Vivid and colorful pictures make this a delightful book to explore.
Song:  Ocean Hokey Pokey
Song:  Row,Row, Row Your Boat

I Spy Under the Sea 2-4
In a very appealing peep-hole and count down format, author Edward Gibbs introduces us to many familiar types of ocean residents.
I Spy Game (Using items/ pictures of sea life)

Felt Board:  Five Little Shells
Closer:  Wave Goodbye

Toddler Read Alouds: 
At the Beach by Anne Rockwell
Baby Loves Summer!  by Karen Katz 
Ben Goes Swimming by Jan Ormerod
Big Fish, Little Fish by Ed Heck
Brownie and Pearl Take A Dip by Cynthia Rylant  ~ simple narrative for Toddlers
Fish Wish by Bob Barner
Hooray for Fish!  by Lucy Cousins 
Jack It's A Sunny Day by Rebecca Elgar
My New Sandbox by Donna Jakob
One Sun by Bruce McMillan
Sea, Sand, Me! by Patricia Hubbell
To the Island by Charlotte Agell
Where Is Baby's Beach Ball? by Karen Katz
Who Sees You At the Ocean? by Carla Dijs

Preschool Read Alouds: 
All You Need for A Beach by Alice Shertle
George's Store at the Shore by Francine Bassede
How Will We Get to the Beach? by Brigitte Luciani
I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry
I Saw the Sea and the Sea Saw Me by Megan Cash
I Spy Under the Sea by Edward Gibbs = fun guessing book
Louie's Goose by H. M. Ehrlich
Little Fish, Lost by Nancy Van Laan
Ocean Parade by Patricia McCarthy
Rub-A-Dub Sub by Linda Ashman
Sand Castle by Brenda Yee
Six Sandy Sheep by Judith Enderle
Smiley Shark by Ruth Galloway
10 Little Hermit Crabs by Lee Fox
There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Shell by Lucille Colandro
Way Down Deep in the Deep Blue Sea by Jan Peck = MY PERSONAL FAVORITE

Kindergarten Read Alouds:Beach Day by Karen Roosa
Billy's Bucket by Kes Gray
Flip Flop Bop by Matt Novak
Hello Ocean by Pam Munoz Ryan
Pig Kahuna by Jennifer Sattler
Seaweed Soup by Stuart J. Murphy
There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Trout by Teri Sloat
Fins and Flippers, Scales and Nippers by Ann Garrett

Friday, November 8, 2013

Tucking in to Winter

Openers:Oh Hey, Oh Hi!
Falling Leaves/Rake Them Up!

The Nutty Nut Chase (Kathryn White) 3-5
What starts as a race to see who gets to the nut first, ends as something quite unexpected.  Themes of friendship, competition, and fairness charge through this nutty little story.
Finger Play:  The Grasshopper
Wiggler:  Walking, Walking

Time to Sleep (Denise Fleming) 2-4

With the approach of winter, Bear alerts his friend snail to prepare for the long rest ahead. Snail warns skunk and so on...until the message reaches Bear again...but he's already asleep!  Ms. Fleming uses this friends-helping-friends format to help young children appreciate which animals hibernate or lie dormant in a Northern winter.
Acorn Memory Game

Moon Glowing (Elizabeth Partridge) 2-4
An exploration of northern wooland animals preparing for winter.  Bright and clear illustrations help answer those wonderful childhood questions about where all the animals go for the winter...

Magnet Board: Who's That Hiding in the Woods?
Closer:  Wave Goodbye

Friday, November 1, 2013


Oh Hey, Oh Hi!
Robot Reach

Hello Robots (Bob Staake) 3-5
Brightly colored graphics challenge a young child's memory as some very likeable robots change jobs.  A very nicely designed book for young minds!
Wiggler: My Thumbs Are Starting to Wiggle--robo style

If I Had a Robot (Dan Yaccarino) 2-4
It's so fun to think of all the things we'd rather have a robot our chores...but there are some key things that perhaps we'd rather just do ourselves.  Find out what they might be in this fun book about imagining robots.
Wiggler:  Robots Work with One Hammer (Jenny Works with One Hammer)

Robots Slither (Ryan Ann Hunter)2-5
 Written in poetic style for even very young readers, this delightful discovery of robots will also inform and challenge older readers (adults, too!) with information about some very surprising real-life robots.  Definitely a book to read with a budding robo-engineer.
Wiggler:  Rocket Ship
Felt Board: Five Little Robo Dogs

Closer: Wave Goodbye Poem

More Books...
Harry and the Robots(Whybrow)
If I Had a Robot (DanYaccarino)
Robots Everywhere (Denny Hebson)
Hello Robots (Bob Staake)
Robots Slither (Ryan Ann Hunter)
Rolie Polie Olie books (Joyce)
Little Robots (Mike Brownlow)